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    Expert help for mortgage and wealth advisers looking for a new home.
    Which network is best for your business?
    ​We find the one that fits YOU!

    Network Consulting is a FREE service for financial and mortgage advisers, finding the right network or support service for you and your business. 

    Completely independent, we will save you time and money

  • Ready to start your own advisory business or go self-employed for the first time?
    ​Looking to move from DA to AR?
    ​Exit, retire or refer?
    ​We can help!

    For financial and mortgage advisers - Get the right guidance to find the best solution for your needs 

Services we may be able to help you with 

Appointed Representative  or Directly Authorised?

This is a question that isn't as easy to answer as you would first imagine. Many think that it is a question of the level of turnover or size of the business, however there are many considerations and questions that need to be answered before making the decision of AR or DA. 

A simple decision tree may help steer you, however, fundamentally it will come down understanding what is required of each and your preferences.

By talking to Network Consulting we can help you with you decision process and the most appropriate service for you business needs. 

Click below to read more or get in touch.

Which network is right for your business?

There are many networks that will tell you they are the best, but are they the best for you? 
Choosing the right one needs considered thought and careful questioning. 
The first step is to know what you need, what you definitely don't want and what you could compromise on.
You will also need to consider what you really want from a network? How will the network benefit you in the future? Does the culture fit with your values? How do they treat their AR's now? Click read more below for tips. 
Whether you are looking for a mortgage network, wealth network or a network that can accommodate both, Network consulting can help.

Thinking of going Directly Authorised?

Many firms choose to go Directly Authorised because they think it will give them more freedom, which is true in many senses.

However, understanding the responsibilities and requirements of the FCA is imperative before starting the process. 

Preparation prior to application is critical, illustrating that processes, controls and oversight are all in place along with in-depth financial data.

Network Consulting can help you find the right compliance service to help you with this.

Click read more, for more detail or get in touch.

Qualified but not Competent Adviser Status (CAS)?

For newly qualified advisers this is the next milestone that needs to be achieved. This is the practical application of your new knowledge and where you will start advising clients. You will need demonstrate you are able to provide advice in a competent manner. 

There are many offerings that claim they will get you to CAS status, but it is extremely important to find the one that is right for you, both initially and in the longer term. 

Network Consulting can help you find the best route to CAS. Click below to read more or get in touch.

Setting up on your own for the first time?

Taking that step to go alone, either the first step in to self-employment or setting up your own advisory business is an exciting yet daunting thought. You may have the experience, you may be employed, you may be self-employed working in a larger practice, but now wish to spread your wings and be your own boss... what's the best route?

Getting the right guidance and choosing the right place for you or your business is crucial. Getting it wrong could be far reaching, setting you back years or even put a halt to your dreams before you are fully off the ground.

Looking for a new opportunity? 

Feeling undervalued is one of the biggest complaints made by unhappy advisers in employed roles. Stretching or unrealistic targets, micro-management or poor financial remuneration are all equally cited.

If at any point you do not feel valued, it's time to thinking about moving on.

Quality advisers are a valuable asset, you are a valuable asset, and there are many employers that recognise this. 

Rather than being "sold" a position, why not look at this from a different angle and consider what you want from your next move.

Network Consulting Services is free  independent service for advisers, finding solutions tailored to your financial services business needs.

Independent guidance will save you time and money.

By investing a small amount of time in talking with Network Consulting, you will eliminate the countless hours of listening to representatives telling you they are "best", and perhaps avoid making a costly mistake. The free service offered by Network Consulting will actually help you find which network or service is the best fit for you!

Getting independent guidance will ensure that you are only talking to the proposition provider that is suited to your business and values. Be that a network, DA compliance function or advisory role, and you could potentially avoid making a costly mistake of forcing yourself in to proposition that isn't suitable for you or your business. 

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